Even as a full time employee, hopefully you should still be able to set aside time to earn additional income on Ebay. Entrepreneurs, work at home parents, and others looking to become self employed often use Ebay to test the waters before they make the leap from employee to self-employed.
It's never easy to find time in the day, to develop additional methods of making money. However if you have just a spare sixty minutes to devote towards eBay it is possible to earn a full time income.
Consider the following scenario and you will see why. There are 60 minutes in every hour and let’s say that you average listing one auction every 6 minutes. That is 10 auctions per hour and, if your sales average $10 each, that is equal to $100.00 per day. If you list auctions 5 days a week, that’s $500.00. If you choose to list every day, that’s $700.00 per week. Of course, prices vary as auctions are unpredictable but this is a very minimal amount of time to invest with a terrific return potential. Prices may be higher or lower but, for one hour of time spent every day, there is really no way to go wrong.
If you purchase items from a dropshipper, manufacturer or distributor, you may be able to use their photos in your auctions. Most dropshippers also allow you to copy and paste their descriptions over to your Ebay listings. This method, when allowed will save you a lot of time in photographing & uploading images. All you will need to do is simply upload the photo and insert the description into the auction template provided by eBay.
If you plan to sell the same type of items, such as jewelry, you can save yourself a lot of time by writing a paragraph detailing shipping cost, delivery options, payment requirements and timelines. Save this paragraph into a text document and copy and paste it into each auction. The only thing that you will need to write is a brief description of the item. Anything that you can do to save time will help you to increase the number of auctions you can list per hour and, therefore, increase your revenue potential.
As hopefully you'll see, Ebay offers a lot of ways to minimise the time you spend online doing the same repeative tasks. As you sell more products, you'll bring more exposure to your listings and bring in further sales. A long term presence on Ebay really will make the difference between a fly by night seller, or a serious seller. Thousands of Ebay users make a full time living on the site. Will you become one of them?